Class Blog for Class 4

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Week ending 3rd of May 2024 

Today, we thoroughly enjoyed welcoming the RLNI to school; we learnt lots about beach and water safety. Our favourite parts were the role play of saving a casualty in water and using a lifeguard’s radio to ask for further assistance.  

This week in our English lessons, the children developed their narrative plan. They boxed up the Beowulf text and planned their own using a similar story line. Each child improved their understanding of subordinate clauses and used relative clauses to add extra detail about their characters to their plans.

In our science lesson this week, we loved exploring irreversible changes. We learnt about new materials being produced and some of their useful uses.

In our history lesson, the children learnt about Viking life and how they travelled long distances across the sea.

As part of our art lesson this week, we built on our understanding of drawing techniques and applied these to our drawings of a Viking longship.

During our RE lesson, the children learnt about the key beliefs in Islam. They learnt about the five pillars and then thought about their own core beliefs.

In PSHE, we continued our focus on relationships. The children thought about the connection between thoughts, feelings and actions in different scenario and learnt ways to support themselves and others in difficult situations.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

Bank holiday Monday 6th May
PE on Friday this week

SATs week- 13th- 16th May

Residential 12th-14th June 2024


Week ending 26th April 2024 

During our English lessons this week, whilst focusing on Beowulf, the children learnt about the progressive and perfect tenses along with planning their own characters for their story. Each child decided how they wanted to plan their character. Some decided to use their computing skills to combine pictures together; others drew their idea straight from their imagination. Once they had come up with a character idea, each child, created ambitious word banks and planned figurative language to support them when drafting their story. 

In our science lesson, the children learnt about separating mixtures. They filtered, sieved, evaporated, and used magnetic attraction to separate out a variety of mixtures.

As part of our art lesson this week, the children drew a preassessment piece of artwork which we can reflect back on at the end of our drawing topic to see whether we can notice any improvements in our mastery of drawing.   

During our RE lesson, the children learnt key vocabulary linked with Islam. They enjoyed using Seesaw to record their findings.

In PSHE, we continued our focus on relationships. The children thought about how everyone in class is connected and has things in common with each other. We tried to visually represent our connections in class by passing a ball of string between as many people as we could.  

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Fridays

SATs week- 13th- 16th May

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Week ending 19th April 2024 

Welcome back.

The children have settled back into class routines exceptionally well. They have been enjoying the dry weather and being able to make the most of our large field especially at lunch times.

On returning to school, it was lovely to see all the children’s fabulous (finally dry) prints that we created last half term based on Hokusai’s, 36 Views of Mount Fuji series(pictured left).

During our English lessons this week, the children have not only finished their final draft of their newspaper reports, but they have also started a new learning based on Beowulf. The children summarised the story using their computing skills to digitally create a storyboard along with designing their own story maps to help them to retell the story off by heart. This week we have also been reminding ourselves of various word classes and their roles.

In our science lesson this week, the children learnt about solubility. They made predictions, carried out tests and reflected on their results.

During our PE lessons this week, we thoroughly enjoyed beginning our focus of touch rugby with Pro20. In our athletic lesson this week, we used the iPads to capture our running technique and time across a distance which we hope to improve on other this half term.

During PSHE, the children learnt about mental health and the balance between challenges and support.

We enjoyed our Music lesson with Mrs Butlin and look forward to music with her during this half term.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Fridays

St George’s Day- red and white mufti Tuesday 23rd April

Clubs start this week

SATs week- 13th- 16th May

Residential- 12th-14th June – full payment due

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Week ending Friday 22nd March 2024 

This week, the children have thoroughly enjoyed getting their teeth into their printing learning journey. They made Styrofoam print blocks, string print blocks and sponge print blocks. After experimenting with these different methods, each child decided which they would like to use in their main art piece. They justified their choice and shared top tips with each other. Many children loved what they had managed to create out of a piece of sponge but decided that they will use a Styrofoam print block as it would give them the chance to add more fine detail in their print.

During PSHE, the children learnt about wellbeing; they drew a wellness well and thought about how positive and negative thoughts affect mental health and how we can help ourselves and others.

In our science lessons, the children learnt about materials and their properties. We explored various properties including transparency, hardness, magnetism and finished by creating an investigation to test electrical conductors and sorting these from electrical insulators.

During our English lessons this week, the children have been drafting a newspaper article about an earthquake. They have learnt about speech punctuation and have used examples in their articles.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays

Parent consultations Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Break up for Easter on Thursday (school closing early)


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Week ending 15th March 2024 

This week has been a busy one with lots of important learning taking place across the week.  

Year 5 children went to a ‘Life Skills’ event at Liskeard fire station where they learnt lifesaving information from various emergency services and companies like GWR. It was great to hear that some of the children went home and taught their adults some of skills learnt like CPR.

During our outdoor learning time, the children learnt about pond life. We noticed frogs, tadpoles and newts in our pond at school and learnt the life cycles and animal groups of these creatures. We made our own wood slice life cycles which we will give to the younger classes once they are varnished. We noticed that the edges to our pond are quite open so we used other wood slices to carve a danger sign to warn others about it. We chiselled into the wood slices which we found particularly difficult. It made us wonder how ‘Hokusaiour artist focus at the moment made the detailed wooden print blocks all those years ago.  In our outdoor session, we also learnt about filtration and tried to improve the water quality of the pond as it is looking quite murky. In groups, the children made water filters using various natural resources that they found. There was a clear difference once the pond water had been through the children’s filters. They noted how the water still wouldn’t be safe to drink!

In PSHE, we continued our topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children learnt about exploitation, peer pressure and gangs. They learnt about what to do if they are in a situation where they are being made to do something they don’t want to do. They also learnt about, ‘Clever Never Goes,’ which helps children to recognise specific situations that are unsafe and gives them the tools to respond. This tied in well with year 5’s Life Skills trip to Liskeard Fire station.  

In our English lessons, the children planned a newspaper report about a natural disaster. They learnt about direct and indirect speech and wrote examples that could be used in their reports. Some children managed to change the levels of formality between the various witnesses and experts in their speech examples.

During our RE lesson, the children learnt about how Christians choose to live their lives. We learnt about various parables including the ‘Foolish Builder’. The children recreated this parable by attempting to build mini structures on various foundations. All children were able to explain that the different foundations they used represented Christians that followed Jesus’ teachings and those that did not.

During our geography lessons this week, the children had a physical geography focus. They learnt about tectonic plates, volcanoes and earthquakes and plotted the ring of fire on a world map. After learning about how buildings are built with special features in earthquake prevalent areas to try to reduce the impact of the quakes, the children designed their own buildings with similar features and tried to build these using spaghetti and marshmallows. They used a base of jelly as their foundations so it was great fun testing their buildings against an earthquake simulation! We got up to ‘8’ on our own Richter scale.

During our computing lesson this week, the children learnt how to create a database of data in Excel. They researched the changing temperatures in various countries across 20+ years to see if they could notice the effect of global warming. The children learnt how to calculate the total and the mean in their spreadsheet by typing in equations. They also learnt how to plot their findings into various styles of graph.

Mr Hewitt came in and worked with some of our gifted artists to add finishing touches to the school mural.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school. We will be erupting any volcanoes made in these last 2 weeks of term so if they could be brought into school this coming week, that would be great.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays

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Week ending 8th March 2024 

It’s been a busy week celebrating St Piran’s Day and World Book Day. I always love seeing what characters the children choose to come in as. We had a great time trying to guess each other’s characters- some were much easier to guess than others. We needed clues for a few outfits; some children had props to help us!

This week, the children have had a poetry focus. They have been learning about imagery and writing poems that create a vivid image for the reader. Many children had a metaphor focus and wrote poems that rhymed whilst other children had a simile focus and experimented with kennings too.

During our art lesson this week, we learnt about the famous artist, Hokusai. The children learnt how he created his prints and then made drawings that followed a similar theme to his artwork, ‘36 views of Mount Fuji’.

In our French lessons, we started a new topic on healthy living and being active. The children learnt French words for various healthy food and drink.

In PSHE, we continued our topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children learnt about various types of drugs and their effects on the body. They learnt about the different categories of drugs including, prescribed, restricted, unrestricted and illegal. They then sorted names of drugs into their correct categories and discussed why people might take drugs even when they know they can be damaging to the body.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins. This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school then we will be erupting them as part of a science lesson in the last 2 weeks of this half term. 

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 

Outdoor learning day Thursday



Week ending Friday 1st March 2024 

This week, we started our new enquiry question, ‘Extreme Earth: how dangerous is it?’ The children thought of many interesting questions that they’d like to know based on this physical geography-based line of enquiry. As a starting point for this topic and to gain a better understanding of what lies beneath our feet, the children created a model of the Earth with the layers inside. After learning about the different layers of the Earth, the children worked in a group to explain it to others. They used their models to support them. Many children decided to share this information as documentary hosts and created a short film of their explanations. In this lesson, the children also attached the film to Seesaw and learnt that we can create a QR code of our videos to put on display in class.  

This week in our English lessons, the children have had a poetry focus. They have been using imagery whilst writing poems about volcanoes. Many children have also been trying to use rhyming couplets in their poems too.

In RE, the children learnt about Christianity and how Christians choose to live their lives. The children were reminded of the story of Moses and the 10 commandments and compared these to their own values.

In our art lessons this half term, we have a new focus- printing. In this week’s lesson, the children searched the school site to find items that they wanted to explore printing with. We discussed artists that we’ve learnt about in the past who were print artists and touched on key vocabulary that we might come across during this learning journey.

In our PE lessons this week, we continued our focuses of Tri Golf and tag rugby.

In PSHE, we continued our Healthy Me topic. The children became agony aunts, offering their advice to various scenarios.

Points to remember:
PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 
St Piran’s Day on Tuesday- wear black, white and/or gold

World Book Day on Thursday


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Week ending Friday 24th February 2024 

This week, the children have been editing and redrafting their stories set in The Amazon. We have had a big focus on handwriting - not just in our writing books but across the curriculum. The children have been working on improving their posture when writing and focusing on how they are holding the pen/pencil. We are hoping to improve our writing endurance and our presentation especially when writing at length.

This week, we answered our big question, ‘The Amazing Americas: how does the UK compare?’ The children reflected on this question by answering a sub-question about where they would prefer to visit and why- thinking about the human and physical features of each place and what might entice them.

In RE, the children learnt about karma and what Hindus believe happens after death. They compared this to other religions that they know of and thought about their own beliefs.

We finished our architectural art focus this week. The children drew pictures of a house that they would like to live in when they are older. They had to try to use what they had learnt throughout their previous lessons to make the buildings look three-dimensional. Once finished, we held a mini art gallery where the children gave feedback to their fellow classmates.

In our PE lessons this week, we particularly enjoyed Tri golf with Arena. We enjoyed learning about the different clubs and taking aim at the various targets.  

In our French lessons, the children enjoyed using SeaSaw to record their work based on celebrations and festivals.

In PSHE, we started our new topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children thought about what they already know about leading a healthy life and then they learnt about the other areas that we will be covering this half term- including drug and substance misuse.

In our computing lessons, the children continued their coding focus. They learnt how to code using Microbit. Their ability to code astounds me.  They learnt to code the Microbit to be used as a dice, which they then used to play a game that they created; some children even coded the Microbit to play rock paper scissors against them.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins. This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school then we will be erupting them as part of a science lesson in the last 2 weeks of this half term. 

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 


Week ending Friday 9th February 2024 

It’s been an incredibly busy half term. Thank you for supporting the children throughout. An additional thank you to those who were able to attend our class assembly on Monday. It was a lovely way for the children to share a summary of their learning with you.

In addition to our assembly, this week our year 6 children visited Looe Secondary school for a computing session where they learnt more about coding. It was a great transition experience for them and something we hope to do more of in the near future.

We ended the half term with a D.T construction project where the children teamed up with other members of the class and designed and built a building to a specific brief. They researched ideas and then used their recent art learning to draw a realistic plan of their building which they constructed using card. They learnt various fixing methods including how to use flaps, flanges, braces, and slots.  

On Tuesday this week, it was Safer Internet Day. The children learnt about making a difference online with year 5 children creating a poster to remind others of how to be kind and stay safe on the internet.

We hope you have a lovely half term.

Class 4 team


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Week ending Friday 2nd February 2024  

Hello everyone!
What an incredible day we had on Thursday for our Wild Tribe outdoor survival day. Some of our favourite learning activities were first aid, shelter building, knot securing, whittling and fire making.

This week, the children also particularly enjoyed their RE lesson, which was on Seesaw, where they learnt more about Hinduism and mandirs.

We also took our geography learning onto Seesaw this week. We improved our understanding of human and physical features. We reminded ourselves of the terminology and looked at various examples which might cause us difficulty when classifying.  Later in the lesson, we located various examples in the UK and North and South America. In addition, we took a closer look at the countries Wales and Brazil which we will be comparing in more depth this coming week.

In our PE learning, we had a mini tournament during our table tennis lesson where we played competitive games against other members of the class. In our Pro20 session, we learnt how to find space and protect the ball.

During our English lessons this week, the children have been learning to plan and develop their initial ideas. They’ve learnt about the active and passive voice along with developing their understanding of sentence structure including relative clauses.  

In our science learning this week, the children carried out the investigation which they planned last week. They were surprised by their results. Some children extended their learning by thinking what else they could investigate with similar resources. We hope to carry out a selection of these investigations this coming week.

Points to remember:

- PE on Monday (1pm-2pm)

-Class 4 assembly Monday 2.30pm

-Year 6 trip to Looe Secondary School Tuesday

- INSET day Friday 

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