Class Blog for Class 1

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Week ending 13th October 2023 

I am so impressed with the energy levels and focus of the children in their sixth week of their first school term!  This week we have enjoyed talking about the animals in the story “Rumble in the Jungle”, they have labeled an elephant, found the beginning sounds of animal names and described how the animals look.  In maths we have been working on our “1,2,3 this is me” topic looking at numbers up to 5 and adding 1 more or 1 less.  The children have been representing the numbers in different ways such as with their fingers, objects and actions.  We have enjoyed singing lots of maths nursery rhymes such as “ 5 current buns” and “ 5 little men in a flying saucer”.

In forest school we found suitable sticks for our magic wands which  we will decorate next week. In PE we have continued balancing in different positions.  The children have enjoyed playing “Duck, Duck, goose” as their cool down activity.   In art we have collaged some lovely giraffes and elephants. 

Class one are working so hard on their phonics.  This week we have added “h,b,f and l”, “l” can be a tricky one but they have really listened to the sounds and been able to blend  them to read words such as “leg”” lap” “hit””bat"

It has been a busy week for parents and carers too! Thank you for coming to our harvest festival celebrations and parent consultations, it is always lovely to chat to you about your children, and of course we had a full Family Friday today, the last of the term where the children got to show off some of their maths skills.

The children will need a good nights sleep on Wednesday as we have a fun day planned at the zoo on Thursday, if you have any concerns or questions about any aspect of the trip please speak to a staff member from Class 1, or email if that is easier. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from The Class One team

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Week ending 6.10.23 

Class one have been working very hard this week on their maths. We have been looking at two step and three step patterns with colour, shapes and objects.  They applied their knowledge particularly well in our Family Friday activity – Fruit Kebabs!  The children made a fruit pattern on their skewer, shared the pattern with their friends and then enjoyed eating their hard work !

In literacy the children have been discussing the role of a vet and have shared lots of stories about their own animals.  We discussed that vets use x rays to diagnose internal problems with animals and they made their own x- ray hand pictures.

We had a lovely afternoon in forest school with our friends at pre-school on Tuesday afternoon, exploring, building a “camp fire” and playing on the trapeze swing.

In phonics this week we introduced the sounds ck, e, u and r.  The children are really focusing on segmenting words into their sounds and enjoy “robot rick” talking the words. We been trying really hard with our "tripod" grip in our handwriting and the results are much better when they take a moment to check their pencil grip before writing. 

In PE we have been balancing in different  positions on indoor equipment,  I was very impressed at how sensible the children were. 

There has been some lovely singing in our harvest festival practice , the children are looking forward to performing for you on Monday afternoon in the village church.

Have a great weekend.

From the Class One team

·         If you would like a parent consultation appointment, and have not already booked, please email Mrs. Thompson to book a slot on

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Week ending 29th September 2023 

The children have worked very hard on their phonics this week and it has been brilliant to see them sounding out and blending short words, for example, “cat” “pig”, “pot”, they are all very excited to start their reading journey.  Our new sounds this week were g, o,c & k, phonics support material for these letters has been put in their book bags.

In literacy we have been reading Night Monkey, Day Monkey.  The children have written some of the names of the animals in the book and have drawn and described an activity they do at night time or day time.  We have enjoyed researching which animals sleep at night and which sleep during the day, many of the children are now competently using the tern “nocturnal”.  We had a fun animal quiz in Family Friday that was challenging for the adults and children !

In maths we have revisited our match, sort and compare topic. We have been matching objects to objects, like socks! Objects to pictures and then pictures to pictures.  The children have been very good at spotting when an item does not match with the rest of the group and they had some interesting thoughts in their groups today discussing rules for sorting different items – by colour, by size or by material for example.

In art we collaged some lovely butterflies and in PE we have been moving in different directions while being agile. 

All the children have really adapted to the rules and routines of “big school” and it is lovely to see how competent and confident they are becoming.

We will be visiting forest school on Tuesday afternoon so if your child doesn’t already have welly boots in school could you bring in a pair for them, thank you.

Have a nice weekend.

From The class 1 team.

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Week ending 22.09.23 

There has been some super learning in Class 1 this week.

 In maths we have been looking at our measure topic, which this week has involved size and capacity.  We have been using objects from our classroom to discuss big V small, long V short and heavy V light. The children have used measuring scales and play dough to make heavy balls of dough and light balls of dough.  We used different sized containers to see which would hold most/leat soil or most/least water.  There were some very accurate predictions.

In literacy we have read “Oi Get off our Train”, the children have described the animal characters in the book, and described and drawn their own favourite animals. 

In art we have used shapes to collage  trains and made some great junk modelling trains with some help from our grown ups in Family Friday. 

Our phonics sounds this week have been “d”, “m”, “n” and “i”, you will find phonics support material in your childs book bag on a Friday.  We have been blending some of our new sounds to read today, for example “pan” and “mat”, the children were very focused and delighted that they are beginning to read.

I think the highlight of the week was our sponsored “Danceathon”, the whole school had great fun dancing in the hall and I have to say class 1 had some great moves !

Have a lovely weekend

Best wishes from The Class 1 Team

·         Please could reading books & records come to school everyday so we can record when we listen to the children read

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Week ending 15th September 2023 

The children have done brilliantly in completing their first full 5 day school week, energy and focus has remained high!
In maths we have been sorting and categorising everyday objects in our "sort, match and compare" topic.  We have discussed "sorting rules" such as by size, colour or shape.  In literacy the children have really enjoyed the story of "The Little Red Hen", they have been able to correctly sequence the pictures from the story and retell the story using stick puppets. They made their own red hens in art using paper plates and handprints.
This week we have introduced four sounds in our phonics sessions, "s", "a","t" and "p", they children have been practicing saying these sounds and writing the letters.  There are small reading booklets in their bags for them to practice these sounds at home.  
We have been on the field for PE practicing jogging and sprinting in a straight line and successfully managed some relay races.  We have some very fast runners in class 1 !
Next week the children will be voting for 2 members of class one to join the school council.  The school council discusses and plans fun activities and issues that affect our school life.  There is a school council application in their bags but I suggest for class one you just discuss with your child why they think they would make a good class representative and then they can explain this to the rest of the class next week.  We are excited to see who will represent Class 1. 
We finished the week with our first Family Friday, the children loved having visitors in to help them decorate their animal masks.  A lovely end to a busy week.  
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes from The Class 1 Team
  • after school clubs start week commencing 18th September
  • We would be grateful for any old t-shirts that we could use as art overalls (older children or adult size work best) thank you.

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Week ending 08.09.2023 

What a brilliant first week our brand new children in class 1 have had.  We have spent the week introducing them to the routines in our class and in the school and getting to know all children and staff in the other classes. 

They have particularly enjoyed our role play area which is a currently a vets surgery, the warm weather has meant that water play has been particularly popular, they have listened beautifully during story time  and of course seeing siblings and older friends during playtime is always exciting in their very first week of school.   I had not anticipated taking them to a whole school assembly till next week but they have adapted so well they have been to two ! Today we have had a celebration assembly where all the class one children got a certificate and yesterday we had visiting musicians playing different types of musical instruments   and talking to the children about they joys of learning to play music.   The children were mesmerized, and especially liked the electric guitar performance !

Together we have discussed some simple rules for our class and I can already see children understanding that these rules will keep them safe, happy and learning.  Next week we will begin to introduce daily phonics, maths and literacy sessions  and we will send reading books home in their green book bags. 

It has been lovely getting to know your children this week, they have all seemed happy and eager to listen and learn.  Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes

The Class 1 team.

*Please could all children have a sun hat with them everyday in every day, thank you. 

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